• Region: West Africa
  • Topics: Well Intervention
  • Date: 18 Feb, 2025

gabonworkoverFollowing 2024's extensive eight-well production drilling campaign in the Dussafu Marin permit offshore Gabon, operator BW Energy and partner Panoro Energy have managed to hit their production targets of 40,000 barrels of oil per day (bopd) in November 2024, and has remained consistent since. 

This was made possible by a robust workover and electrical submersible pump replacement programme with the help of Borr Drilling's Norve jack-up rig. An effective artificial lifet method, ESPs help pump production fluids from low pressure situations. It is easy to maintain, and is considered a cost effective alternative to vertical turbine, split case and positive displacement pumps. 

At approximately 37,153 bopd in the fourth quarter of 2024, the site crossed a milestone as it was the highest quarterly rate achieved since 2018, when the block first started producing.

The current production rate might jump by another 10%, given the scope for the FPSO nameplate capacity to reach beyond 40,000 bopd.

After the 2024 production campaign concluded in October, with the installation of a conventional electrical submersible pump (ESP) system for the DHIBM-7H well as it was brought online, the rest of the seven Hibiscus / Ruche production wells also underwent a workover and ESP replacement programme in January this year. 

According to Panoro Energy's Chief Executive Officer, John Hamilton, the Dussafu drilling campaign was expanded to eight wells in order to accomodate first track development of the final two discoveries made in May 2024. 

“Our current focus is on fully transitioning all the new wells to conventional ESP systems and restoring production at the three shut-in wells, after which we will drill the exciting Bourdon prospect in line with our infrastructure lead exploration and appraisal strategy aimed at unlocking the substantial organic upside that exists on the block,” said Hamilton, while speaking on the drilling campaign.

Vaalco's exploration programme for 2025-26

As part of its 2025-26 programme in Gabon, Borr Jack-Up XIV Inc will be deployed by Vaalco Energy for the drilling of multiple development wells and appraisal/exploration wells.

"We are excited about the major projects planned for 2025 that are expected to deliver a step-change in organic growth across our portfolio in the coming years. In Gabon, we continue to work with our joint owners at Etame on our shared goal of executing another successful drilling campaign designed to enhance production and add reserves. We have signed a contract with Borr that we believe allows us the flexibility to optimise our drilling and workover plans offshore Gabon.

“We anticipate the programme to begin in mid-2025 with the sequencing and exact number of wells yet to be finalised. We are planning on multiple wells in the Etame field, multiple wells at our SEENT platform and a redrill and several workovers in the Ebouri field to access production and reserves that were previously shut in and removed from proved reserves due to H2S. Over the past three years, we have delivered on our focused strategy and believe we will continue to do so with the organic growth programmes across our diversified portfolio over the coming years,” said George Maxwell, the Chief Executive Officer of Vaalco Energy. 

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