• Region: Asia Pacific
  • Topics: Decommissioning
  • Date: Aug, 2022

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When the Decommissioning & Abandonment Asia pacific Workshop 2022 (D&A APAC) arrives in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in October, Nora Farahzilla bt Abdullah, Wells WI and P&A DD Engineer at Shell Sarawak will contribute to the impressive agenda of discussions and presentations to enlighten the Asia Pacific oil and gas community on the regions decommissioning landscape.

The representative from Shell Sawawak will focus her presentation on the scope of the plug and abandonment performed on one of her company’s platforms, providing a valuable case comparison for the upcoming abandonment campaigns of other companies.

Nora Farahzilla bt Abdullah Shell

While Covid-19 restrictions continue to relent across the globe, many will remain for some time yet and the threat of variants means there is always a chance of more being reinstated. With this in mind, the Wells Engineer will reveal how the operation was managed during Covid-19 to allow for the maximum utilisation of available resources within pandemic restrictions.

Attendees will have unrivalled access to the lessons learned from the project and how this method will be improved and used for replica operations.

To find out more, click here: https://events.offsnet.com/DAAPAC2024#/

Or reach out to the details below:

Erin Smith
Global Accounts & Australasia Regional Manager
T: +64 (0) 289 900 118
E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.