• Region: Australia
  • Topics: Decommissioning
  • Date: Jan, 2025

AdobeStock 711674074The Offshore Decommissioning Directorate is leading the implementation of Australia’s Offshore Resources Decommissioning Roadmap, a strategic initiative focused on growing the country’s offshore decommissioning industry. To better support the sector’s growth, the Directorate is seeking input from stakeholders to determine which decommissioning activities are most valuable to different industry players. This feedback will guide efforts to overcome barriers and make the decommissioning process more efficient.

The Roadmap’s key objectives include promoting Australia as a global leader in safe, efficient, and environmentally responsible decommissioning practices, expanding the domestic decommissioning industry, and improving interactions with regulatory systems. While the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA) remains the regulator for safety and environmental approvals in Commonwealth waters, the Directorate is working to enhance collaboration across the sector.

To achieve these goals, the Directorate is partnering with a wide range of stakeholders, including industry leaders, unions, state and territory governments, First Nations groups, local communities, and international organisations. By encouraging collaboration, improving transparency across the decommissioning pipeline, and offering expert guidance on policy matters, the Directorate aims to ensure that the decommissioning industry operates in line with the Australian Government’s Future Made in Australia agenda.

The Directorate is also focused on strengthening community confidence in regulatory frameworks, ensuring that decommissioning remains an offshore industry responsibility. By collaborating with other governments to share knowledge and best practices, the Directorate is helping to grow the industry’s knowledge base and position Australia as a leader in decommissioning globally.