• Region: Australia
  • Date: Aug. 2021

triangle nergyPerth Basin oil producer Triangle Energy, on behalf of the Cliff Head Joint Venture, has announced that the CH-6 well at the Cliff Head Oil Field returned to production on 23 August, following the completion of the workover programme.

The workover included the installation of a new ESP in a more technically and cost effective configuration than previously adopted. All of the technical and well integrity expectations of the programme were met, and the well was handed over from well services to production on 22 August.

Performance testing and verification is currently underway, and the company expects that production associated with the CH-6 well is expected to stabilise at around 120 bopd, bringing the total field production to approximately 850 bopd.

The company’s Hydraulic Workover Unit provider, Clear Cut Interventions (CCI), with the assistance of R&D Solutions, successfully deployed the first Omega Gemini plug on Slickline using a time delay hydrostatic setting tool in an offshore environment in Asia Pacific. Omega provided virtual training to the CCI supervisor due to COVID travel restrictions preventing a specialist being deployed to Australia.

The joint CH-6 and CH-11WI workover campaign provided the company with the rare opportunity to evaluate the condition of the downhole completion and wellbore equipment with regards to long term well integrity and corrosion management.

Robert Towner, Managing Director, Triangle Energy said, “Well integrity management is a priority at Cliff Head, and the condition of the recovered equipment from both the CH-6 and CH-11WI wells showed no visible evidence of corrosion or physical degradation.

“This is an excellent outcome considering the years since this equipment was installed, and supports our plans to continue to extend the operating life of the facility. The company looks forward to future well activities and exploring asset life extension opportunities.”

Triangle Energy (Global) Ltd is an ASX-listed oil producer and explorer based in Perth, Western Australia. The company operates and has a 78.75% interest in the Cliff Head Oil Field,
encompassing the onshore Arrowsmith Stabilisation Plant and offshore Cliff Head Alpha Platform. Triangle also has a 50% share of the Mt Horner L7 production licence and a 45% share of the Xanadu-1 Joint Venture, both located in the Perth Basin. The company continues to assess acquisition prospects to expand its portfolio of assets.