• Region: Australia
  • Topics: Decommissioning
  • Date: Mar, 2022

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Xodus, a global energy consultancy, has been awarded the Rigid Pipeline Non-Metallic Component Characterisation study for National Energy Resources Australia's (NERA) National Decommissioning Research Initiative (NDRI).

Alasdair Gray, Late Life and Decommissioning Lead at Xodus, made the announcement on LinkedIn, commenting, “Understanding of the chemicals used within non-steel components of rigid pipelines is one of the most significant knowledge gaps for the Australian oil and gas industry. This information is critical to understanding the long term impact of structure degradation within the marine environment, to improve the accuracy of decommissioning plan development and subsequent Environment Plan submissions.

“Xodus are well placed to undertake this work through our world class, integrated Engineering and Environment offering, working with Andrew Taylor and Jason Christie to deliver this scope which focuses on pipeline coating characterisation. This study is an important step in addressing how the region will make future decisions about assets reaching end of life.”

Gray added that the company has already started work on the project which is expected to be completed mid-2022.

D&A Aus 2022

From 10-11 May, the first ever Decommissioning and Abandonment conference will be arriving in Perth, Australia to provide the offshore community with the best blueprint for the wave of decommissioning projects on the horizon. For more information, download the brochure here: https://offsnet.com/da-aus/conference-brochure

Or contact:

Erin Smith

Global Accounts & Australasia Regional Manager

Offshore Network

t: +64 289 900 118

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