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  • Topics: Integrity
  • Date: Feb, 2022

WellIntegrity Halliburton 17 feb

With more and more producing fields showing late life symptoms like aging well stocks and high water cut, which can lead to well integrity issues, Hemant Kumar, Technical Advisor for Production at Halliburton, explained why well integrity management is becoming more important than ever.

Many gas fields report high CO2 and H2S content which can be challenges for pipe metallurgy and reliability. Faced with increasingly stringent regulations, a shrinking experienced workforce, and the need to control costs, E&P operators are getting serious about well integrity management (WIM).

Path to better well integrity management performance

DecisionSpace Well Integrity Management software is designed to help minimise risks and associated production losses by streamlining well integrity monitoring and analysis. With automated and integrated workflows, it delivers rapid diagnosis of well barrier elements to spot well integrity risks faster and execute preventive and remedial maintenance in time. It helps end users in rapidly identifying high-risk wells, taking corrective actions faster, and mitigating issues to maximise well availability.

Integration with WELLCAT software gives DecisionSpace Well Integrity Management software a better ability to detect the down hole integrity risks early on and help prevent downtime or environmental hazards. “Over 80% of the operators globally trust WELLCAT for its advanced engineering calculations required for well design,” Kumar added.

Workflows in DecisionSpace Well Integrity Management software automatically fetch engineering calculations to continuously update the Stress and Load envelopes of the tubulars and alert end users if actual operating conditions of the wells trend closer to those envelopes. Kumar said this approach gives end users a better understanding of how changing operating conditions impact the integrity of the wells, which is not always possible with the simple MAASP-based operating envelopes.

Flexibility for customisation

DecisionSpace Well Integrity Management software is built on the E&P industry’s fully open, interoperable DecisionSpace platform which offers E&P companies flexibility for customisation and the ability to create well integrity management solutions tailored to their unique business processes and IT environment.

Any WIM software needs to work in a heterogenous technology environment. It needs to talk to a multitude of data sources and adjust to changing modes of operations or expansion. An inability to adjust adds to architectural complexity and cost of ownership, and E&P companies may need to procure additional technologies to keep up with the growing needs of their business.

The underlying DecisionSpace platform connects with a variety of data sources and accommodates evolving workflows, visualisation, and analytical needs without requiring additional technologies. The platform is the foundation to all Halliburton’s digital offerings and is supported by long-term product roadmaps and R&D investments. With a track record of successful implementations globally, it brings to E&P companies the assurance of referenceable quality and future readiness.