• Region: West Africa
  • Date: Apr, 2022

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At the upcoming Offshore Well Intervention West Africa (OWI WA), which is running in Accra from 12-13 July, Dr Wisdom Enang, an Engineering Technical Lead, will draw upon his extensive experience in the oil and gas industry to provide participants with a vision of West Africa’s future.

In his exclusive session, Dr Enang will identify the imperatives for producing the energy of the future as the transition continues to gather momentum and calls for cleaner power snowballs.

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Turning to Nigeria specifically, he will then analyse and quantify the deficiencies affecting the upstream sector and explore the innovative solutions capable of preventing crude oil theft, delaying production depletion, and solving inefficient production operations. He will also analyse efforts to address the lack of accountability in the sector before seeking to identify a roadmap for implementing an integrated innovative approach for enhancing the operational and cost efficiency of the upstream sector within Nigeria.

Alongside learning from the other exciting lineup of sessions led by industry experts, attendees of the event will have the opportunity to participate in the discussion led by Dr Enang. Together, they will be able to explore the potential benefits, implementation challenges and enablers which distinguish innovation solution options available in West Africa.

With five international oil majors, three regulatory bodies, two national oil companies, six regional oil companies, as well as a host of service providers and more already confirmed, OWI WA is not an event to be missed.

To learn more, be sure to download the event brochure here:

Or reach out to the details below:
Rachael Brand
Project Manager
T: +44 (0) 20 3409 3041
e: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.