• Region: All
  • Topics: Decommissioning
  • Date: Apr, 2022


In order to reduce the significant safety risks associated with the manual emergency release of mooring systems during FPSO tandem offloading ocean towage, heading control, positioning and decommissioning, Gall Thomson has released the PODx (Powered Offshore Disconnect) – an innovative new automatic actuation system.

PODx minimises the risk of personnel injury, damage to equipment and subsequent downtime by remotely releasing mooring hawser chains under full load, quickly and safely. It utilises release bolt technology that automatically separates on demand, providing an identified parting point in the mooring line. This allows for a reliable release in under 100 milliseconds.

Designed for use in a variety of offshore applications including FPSO, emergency mooring release system and Anchor Handling Vessels, PODx uses a range of block and release bolt sizes specific to the load requirement.

Fred Boufennane, Business Development Director at Gall Thomson, said, “PODx is a simple and robust solution to a serious safety problem that has long been recognised as presenting significant risks to personnel and capital equipment. The technology is proven with more than 22 years of field experience, and its operational costs are substantially lower than traditional alternatives. PODx can be simply retrofitted on vessels without hot work or permanent fixturing to the vessel deck from any danger zone.”

In addition to its performance characteristics, PODx provides cost effectiveness for operators and with a unique design that ensures easy reset, is reusable after activation. Simple to maintain, with long maintenance-free periods, it can contribute to a reduction in insurance premium costs.