• Region: Australia
  • Topics: Decommissioning
  • Date: May, 2024

Woodside decommissioning plan for NOPSEMAWoodside Energy has prepared and submitted an experts-consulted, final environment plan (EP) to the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA), in accordance with the requirements of the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006 and Environment Regulations. 

In the capacity of a titleholder under the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Environment) Regulations 2023 (Commonwealth), Woodside has proposed to undertake decommissioning activities within offshore petroleum production licence VIC/L22 and pipeline licence VIC/PL33.

It will include the removal of approximately 5 km of pipeline bundle and associated equipment, well tie-in infrastructure, and Minerva-2A wellhead and guide base that make up the Minerva subsea infrastructure. 

Rig secured for plug and abandonment 

As planning activities are well in progress, a rig has been secured for plug and abandonment in the Minerva field through a rig consortium with other titleholders in the region.

Keeping with the Environment Regulations, Woodside's EP has attempted to identify and describe the probable environmental impacts and risks that may arise during the end-of-life operations. It has worked out a process of appropriate management controls to reduce impacts and risks to a level that is ‘as low as reasonably practicable’ and acceptable. It defines Environmental Performance Outcomes (EPOs), Performance Standards (PSs) and Measurement Criteria (MCs) to ensure minimum adverse impact. 

Woodside is planning the plug and abandonment of the Minerva-1, Minerva-2A, Minerva-3 and Minerva-4 wells (in accordance with a separate Minerva Plug and Abandonment EP), and removal of property in VIC/L22 and VIC/PL33 (under this EP). 

Woodside's scope of decommissioning activity as mentioned in the EP is focussed in Commonwealth waters in the Otway Basin approximately 7 km south-southwest of Port Campbell, Victoria, where the Minerva subsea infrastructure is in approximately 55–59 m water depth at lowest astronomical tide (LAT). The operational area is thus defined as a 1,000 m radius around the subsea infrastructure, wellheads, and the gas production pipeline (the pipeline) within Commonwealth waters.

Spread over 24-hours per day, and seven days per week, Woodside believes the decommissioning activities might take up to 90-120 days, and completion is not anticipated before 30 June 2025.